Keep Kodiak Connected: Become a Member of KMXT
KMXT depends on member donations to provide free, independent journalism, entertainment, and emergency communications for Kodiak.

Our Mission: Connect Kodiak
Why should I support KMXT?
KMXT is not a government service like the library, schools, or parks and recreation and is funded by grants, underwriting, and, most importantly, contributions from members of the community. This funding model is the only way to keep our news team truly independent and cater to the interests and needs of the community, not large corporations or the government.
What is the mission of KMXT?
The mission of KMXT (Kodiak Public Broadcasting Corporation) is to educate, entertain, enlighten, and empower the diverse people of the Kodiak region.
Our purpose is to foster a deep understanding of the events, ideas, and cultures of the Kodiak community and provide a forum for responsible and meaningful discussion and connection.
Crucially, KMXT provides a communication and emergency link during times of crisis, including natural disasters.
How much should I give?
The most popular amount that members give is $100-$120 annually, which works out to $8-$10 per month. For that amount, you will receive a KMXT mug/glass and our limited edition Kodiak Moments calendar.
Other donation levels are as follows:
Orca: $60 annually - Calendar
Minke (MOST POPULAR): $120 annually - Calendar and Mug
Humpback: $180 annually - Calendar, Mug, and a T-shirt/Hat of your choosing
Gray: $365+ annually - Calendar, Mug, T-Shirt/Hat AND a sweatshirt.